Wednesday, March 04, 2015

A Deep Environmental Funk

Compost Pile Akron winter Feb. 23rd

I know I've been away for awhile. I've been in a funk about the fate of the earth and all the beings residing on it; and all the communities in which we live. Trying to pull myself together because Mossville needs what little help I can offer, because #AllLivesMatter which is demonstrated in the way we struggle to honor how #BlackLifeMatters. So, In honor of all life, a couple links to articles that demonstrate why I have been in "the sloth of despond". Thankfully all things, including despond, arise and pass away. 

1. Oklahoma knew in 2010 what was causing all them earthquakes:

2. Only Capital, and its interests seems able to stop #MountaintopRemoval coal mining.

3.  The man who brought you those lite coffee capsules that are clogging the ocean has regrets.

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