Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Time To Catch Up

From Sit Illustrated: The Meditation Cartoon Book
I've been a bit overwhelmed lately. Really overwhelmed actually. As a privileged Northerner, far from any drilling rig, I let the oil disaster get the best of my psyche. Other smaller disappointments and failures had wormed their way in there as well. I went on my annual silent Vipassana meditation retreat on July 16 (actually it was a combo Metta/Vipassana retreat) and I am back facing the world just as it is. So of course, while I was sitting, walking, sitting, walking, trying to figure out what abiding in awareness actually feels like (still don't quite get it but that's ok) my friend Shirley Sherrod got caught in the far right's pseudo investigative meat grinder. As most of you know, she acquitted herself quite admirably. I'm sorry to say the Obama Administration not so much.

The oil flow has been staunched, the economy continues to be difficult for many but we have the example of Shirley Sherrod to inspire our equanimity in the face of difficulty and perseverance as we struggle for justice and peace.

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